Tuppenny Road is a small road with a big story. The road was instigated by Robert (Bob) Stanfield, publican of the Royal Hotel and President of the Port Macquarie Surf Club, as part of plans to beautify Flynn’s Beach including the erection of a surf clubhouse. The road was dedicated to the men of the Surf Club who served during World War 2, in memory of their great deeds and valour.
Tuppenny Road was officially opened on Sunday 8 April 1945 at a picnic day and impromptu surf carnival with water and beach events attended by Minister for Lands, Hon. J. M. Tully, Sir Earle Page, the mayor and mayoress, Ald. C. A. and Mrs. Ryan, several aldermen and a large gathering of the public. Bob Stanfield spoke with pride at the opening: ‘…This road has been built for the boys of the surf club who are away fighting for you and me. Some 72 of 74 active members have enlisted and we want to show them we have not been inactive whilst they were away.
A humble start has been made with tuppence in the box for cigarettes, and in this way some £500 was collected. Along with donations and proceeds from other entertainments £1200 was put together in 12 months. £500 has been placed in the Third Victory Loan – nucleus to the clubhouse fund. The balance of the money has been expended on the road…’